Friday, February 26, 2010

Old Media vs. New Media

Old media is considered to be more on the traditionally side and are the means of communication that have existed before the appearance of the new medium, the internet. How would one distinguish whether the media presented is old or new? Typically, old media is more costly to produce such as broadcasting through the television, the radio, or publications in newspapers, books, and magazines. New media on the other hand, is more digitized. Thoughts and comments are shared and recorded through the internet on various blogs, wikis, and other social communities. With the introduction of the internet, new media has been evolving on a global scale. The expansion of globalization has enabled people worldwide to express themselves on any type of new media. In addition, blogs, articles, and other various medias can be created by a professional or amateur alike and can cost little to nothing.

1 comment:

  1. I think the main cost of new media is that of electricity. The pennies it costs to power the computer while the blogs/articles/posts are being written.
