Virtual world is a type of online community that is quite different from blogs and social networks. They usually take on the form of a 3D computer simulated environment. Virtual worlds can be used for social interaction, gaming, and other social related activities. According to Ted Hoff of IBM, employees would enter virtual worlds to expediate orientation, and to improve mentoring relationships. IBM employees can be separated by thousands of miles and by joining virtual worlds, they would be able to share ideas, and interact with one another. Virtual worlds have the ability of gathering people from various cultural backgrounds. They are on the rise and are generating more and more revenue every year. Virtual worlds can also have a negative impact. People can get so engrossed by these worlds, that they tend to forget what is reality and what is not. Virtual worlds provide the ability for maximum creativity. Users are able to create their own avatars, or their own virutal representations of themselves, and are highly customizable. Use of virtual worlds are continuing to expand, even into the corporate field.
Social Media and Political Participation
12 years ago
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